Thanks for tuning in and reading this blog as i always love to write and make videos about my experiences in the field and provide real info to real people that are tired of wasting there hard earned money.
Number one point about this blog is deer are attracted to the most palatable food source around. They live by there smell and stomach. Deer will roughly eat 3-5 times a day and consume anywhere from 4-6 pounds when available. Deer are browsing animals by nature. They walk a little and take a bite, walk some more and take another bite. This is the daily process of a white-tailed deer.
There is so many products out there people buy on a daily basis when they can run to there local store quickly and pull it off the shelf. most pay anywhere from 15-40 dollars for some liquid you dump on the ground or some powder you dump as well. People want instant gratification so this is why they do it. I know this because i was one of those people hahaha.i would throw my hard earned money in the dirt thinking i was helping wildlife when actually i was not. All i was doing was wasting my money.
green and growing as nature intended.
I hate pushing products on people because with anything they will say oh well your getting paid to say this. The fact is i don’t get paid at all. Im actually broke lol. i work overtime to pay for my hunting obsession. If i didnt work overtime i wouldnt be doing any of this. I have the same struggles as everyone else. Im only pushing this on you guys because i dont want to see you waste money like i did for years.
Antler grow is a micro nutrient plant food that is sprayed on anything green and growing. The reason behind this deer are browsing animals by nature meaning they eat green and growing plants. green and growing plants is the majority of a deer’s diet. Remember they eat 4-6 pounds of it daily when available.
Plants are constantly sucking the nutrients out of the ground which is why the soil is so depleted of important micro nutrients. using antler grow adds the micro nutrients back to the plants that it cant get from the soil because its not there. Its eco friendly because it cant be washed off. It already has a sticker and surfactant in it meaning the sticker holds it to the plant so the surfactant softens the tissues which allows the plant to ingest it. Once Ingested it last in the plant for about 8 weeks. This can easily be tested with a tissue analysis of what you sprayed before and after.
green and growing is always best. It creates no red flags as its natural to them.
Whats the point in all this? The point is by spraying what deer are already eating you are increasing the nutritional value by 2-3 times. Digestible proteins go up along with the mineral content.
These micro nutrients are already in the plants so your not doing anything unnatural. They are just at very low low levels. This is so powerful i’m always blown away every time i spray it.
for more info please visit
for videos on how antler grow can help or how to use please subscribe to our youtube channel here
see you guys next time!