Why do hunters have so much hate? Why do other hunters get so mad when out of state hunters come in to “there” state to hunt? LETS TALK ABOUT IT…


Recently i picked up a hunting lease in the state of Pennsylvania. according to the sign attached above PA welcomes me? hahahah so why cant other hunters?

I know tons of PA hunters that lease land in Maryland and im happy for them. I dont get mad and personally i dont care. If you can afford some land in Maryland by all means go for it as maryland offers some great hunting. Maryland has some nice bucks and very good goose hunting if you are into that sort of thing.

I have hunted for over 15 years and i have never technically had a place of my own for many reasons. Mainly because it cost so much. Private land is hard to come by. Back in the day you could knock on some doors and get a place to hunt. Now you need thousands of dollars to hunt 100 acres or less. I dont have alot of money and live check to check for the most part like most of the people in the world. The overtime i work helps pay for my hunting obsession. If i did not work overtime i would be sitting on my couch most of the time and i dont like to do that…

In my search i had a certain budget i had to spend like most. With that said i knew i had to go to possibly another state to hunt and do what i wanted to do. I was able to find right around 100 acres on a website that offered land for lease. I got permission to scout the land and i fell in love with it. I singed the deal and began the process.

With that, i didnt take the land from someone. I didnt pay more to purposely kick someone out. It was a piece of land that was sitting there doing nothing except bringing in trespassers and poachers. The land owner had passed away and it was left to a nephew that didnt hunt and just wanted to lease it to someone so he could make a few dollars.

First day on the property i witnessed a road hunter that shot a deer out of his truck right in front of me! Next i was dealing with someone riding a side by side through the land. I was able to resolve that peacefully. Keep in mind the land was not posted but for some reason people need to see signs to know its not there land? weird how that works. Whats the point of owning land if everyone can just roam freely. If you own a home are you ok with people just walking around in the back yard? didnt think so.

I have had death threats and hate messages about being a out of state hunter from other hunters!!! come on now really? I welcome all hunters and so should you. Some of you reading this im sure are thinking im just trying to justify hunting another state and thats not the case. im trying to understand the purpose behind everyone hate to other hunters.

No one should have to justify anything they do, Its america! So once the side by side issue was resolved then comes the massacre! I had someone come on the land with a trash bag covering there face and while on the land they stole 9 trail cameras and smashed a electric fence. With a couple thousand dollars in damage what was i going to do? give up and be scared off? Why did this person do this? was he trying to scare me off? Im pretty sure that was the reason but it did not work. Best part is i caught this person on trail camera hunting on youth day when he is a adult. My guess is hes always hunted this land and now that im there hes pissed that he cant be there no more and he tried to scare me off.

I have a good idea on who the person is and when the time comes game over.

The property is now posted with hidden cameras to protect what i have. Its a shame you have to do that but private land is private land. I have met a few neighbors that are great and very kind. I offered them help in anyway i can. Im not there to cause problems im there to have fun and enjoy hunting.

The way i see it i get that im out of state and people dont like that for some reason. yes there is alot of hunters in pa and private land is hard to find. People want to complain about hunters taking up all the private land so they can trespass it without paying money. No one gave me this land i had to pay and i earned it. In my opinion with being on the land and its now posted will help stop other trespassers entering the neighbors land as they have had issues as well. \

Please hunt legal and respect the laws. If you want to hunt another state go for it. If you want to hunt maryland come on it its not my state i just live here. If that makes sense?

I also met a PA resident that has helped me on the land and now has permission to hunt there with me. He lives very close so hes always on the land looking after it for me.

Stop the hate and just hunt. Not everyone can afford private land but thats kind of where hunting is going these days. everyone wants to hunt there own land. If you can afford your own private land my suggestion is get off your butt and work more hours or get another job like i did and stop complaining. No one is going to hand you things in life for free you have to work for them. Dont be lazy.