Welcome back guys! Hope you had a good thanksgiving.
Today we are going to talk about how to attract deer to your property fast! This has been a huge topic recently and a topic that i love to talk about because i am passionate about it. We are going to talk about food plots, enhancing natural browse, pressure and more.
I have always been passionate about attracting deer because its like a game and its fun. Each year i dig more and more into it. Its fun to see what you can get out of a property. As hunters i believe we should leave the land better then we found it. Land management is not for us all. some people just want to go hunt and that’s Ok too.
When attracting deer there is a few different ways you can do it. One way is better then the other for quicker results and the other is better long term. Either way you choose is up to you and you only. As a human and a hunter you have to make the best decision you can based on common sense and your own research.
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food plot in the middle of the woods sprayed with antler grow to provide a healthy food source that will attract deer to your property like crazy!
The first way we are going to talk about is going to your local store and buying a bag of deer attractant off the shelf 2 weeks before deer season dumping it on the ground in hopes of shooting a deer on opening day. Yes that can work for sure. Everyone has done this and so have i. I think we all want instant gratification so that’s why we do it (where legal)
You can be dumping minerals, some sort of powder or even corn. Now from my experience This creates a red flag to the deer. Most of this stuff is not natural and sometimes alerts deer. When i say ive tried it all i have. Sometimes you will attract deer to that spot instantly and others it will spook deer off just as quick as you dumped it out. Not to mention most of this stuff cost any where from $15-30 and it adds up quick!
Its just not natural what so ever. Out of those corn is your best way by far. As far as a quick attractant corn wins by far. Its not going to grow deer but it does provide energy and some small amounts of fat. But baiting deer and using corn is not legal in all states so in that case you would have to actually plant rows of corn to make it legal. (weird how that works) haha
QUICK STORY - I was recently at deer camp a few weeks ago and remember when i said people want instant gratification? well a hunter bought some stuff you dump on the ground. I believe it was some kind of powder because his daughter was coming in to hunt so he wanted to give her a good chance of shooting one. Well they were in the stand a deer walked out to the pile of stuff he dumped out and as soon as the deer smelled it she took off. She spooked because its not natural and it created a red flag. This happens way more then you think.
Providing a healthy food source through green and growing plants will attract and hold deer for longer periods of time.
Dumping a attractant on the ground even corn can provide a quick attractant because its like candy to them just like eating cake to us. But this will not provide a long term attractant and that’s what you want. If you are going through the work to attract deer to your property then you want to make it long term. Well talk about that next
For attracting deer to your property on a long term basis you need to provide a green and growing food source for as many months out of the year as possible. Obviously depending what state you are in will determine how long that is. Its about having the most nutritious food source then your neighbor. Having a diverse food source is key. Lets get back to the basics very quickly. Deer eat 4-6 pounds of green and growing plants “natural browse or food plots” on a daily basis. That is a lot of food! Think about that for a second. Natural browse is the backbone to all healthy deer herds Its there year round. When There is no more green left they will transition to woody browse this is the natural cycle.
Deer will also feed on acorns when available as well as other things. Deer feed on over 700 different species of plants through out the country. Whats palatable to them today wont be a few months from now. What they don’t eat now they will eat tomorrow or the next month. This is also the natural cycle. This is why its important To enhance whats already there on your land.
This has been my focus on the past 4 years. I love trying new ways because its fun. Giving back to wildlife and making them not only survive but to thrive. There is no better way then through green and growing plants. The next step in this is how to properly do it. Well there is tons of ways. The most easiest way to use a product called antler grow. What antler grow does is add the nutrients back to the plants that it cant get from the soil. I have made several videos about this to show how it works and my results from it. Its the most cost effective way because natural browse it already there. We are taking antler grow and spraying anything that is green and growing.
Enhance whats already there. Natural browse is free its already there. spray it and it will become more palatable and provide tonnage which in turn will attract deer!
The next way is to create food plots. Food plots are natural browse that we create. Food plots is not for everyone but attracting deer should be a long term process instead of a short term because not only will it attract like crazy but you will be providing healthier food for all wildlife.
Other ways include hinge cutting, prescribed fires Timber stand improvement and the list goes on and on. The easiest most cost effective way is through green and growing plants. Its hard to see because companies advertise and market stuff you dump on the ground so well everyone thinks of instant gratification. The fact is there is no scientific evidence that works. What works is Green and growing plants. There’s no red flags its just natural.
Always feel free to reach out we are always here to help! See you next time!
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Attached is a video on this very topic see below and enjoy!
This very video will explain how to attract deer to your property fast.