The Dos & Don'ts Of Egyptian Wheat Food Plot Screening

When creating screening with a annual screen such as Egyptian wheat its important to follow specific guidelines so you can have a strong and tall wall that you can benefit from the entire season.

egyptian wheat screening

Annual screens are just that. Annuals! They are not meant to last year after year. For instance you only have a 1 year lease on a property and you know you wont be hunting it the following year in that case screening with a annual screen such as Egyptian wheat would be the cheapest bet for you and your habitat hunting plan.

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screening with annual screens such as egyptian wheat can increase your hunting success

2 food plots divided with a section of a annual screen from domain outdoors called incognito. This screen pinches down past a bow stand creating the perfect funnel when deer transition from one food plot to the next.

I personally enjoy planting Egyptian wheat for screening because a lot of times I will change my plans from year to year so using annuals allows me to do that. For a more permanent screen consider switch grass. Also Egyptian wheat helps to improve the soil. If you have ever planted it the following year pull up a stalk and take a look at the soil below its BLACK! Dark rich soil is what we all want to see.

egyptian wheat screening

Some key factors when planting Egyptian wheat is to not plant it to thick. When planted to thick it starves for nutrients and shades each other out. Typically you will want to use about 10-11 pounds per acre when planting. When planting is strips you want to plant about 10-15 ft wide that way deer cant see through it when you are using for access to stands.

  1. Plant at a rate of 10-11 pounds of seed per acre. Measure the area and do the math to get the correct seed rate. Don’t plant to thick!

  2. when planting in strips plant about 10-15 feet wide. When using for screening you want it thick enough and wide enough so deer cant see through it. When thick enough it will also cut down on noise for access.

  3. Pay attention to soil test results. When planting Egyptian wheat the soil nutrients are crucial for a successful stand.

  4. Don’t make the same mistake a lot of food plotters make by adding nitrogen fertilizer with out adding potassium. Yes Egyptian wheat is like corn and needs a lot go nitrogen to grow tall but potassium grows strong stalks! You need the stalk strength so it stands all year long. To much nitrogen will make it grow talk but have weak stalks. Have a balance for the best results.

  5. Use Egyptian wheat to direct deer past your bow stand by creating pinch points.

  6. Keep in mind in areas that get massive amounts of snow the Egyptian wheat can fall down. But I have seen situations when paying attention to stalk strength instead of how tall you can grow it is more important and it can survive some severe weather conditions. REMEMBER IT IS A ANNUAL!

egyptian wheat screening