Water Holes For Deer
Deer Water Holes. Are they really needed and how can you benefit from them?
This water hole tank is 110 gallon installed level with the ground on a slight hill so when it rains it can self fill. That is key when installing one so you do not have to constantly fill it.
I will be honest, I’m not a huge fan of installing water holes. I do believe they have a time and place and for the little amount of cost the tanks are it can be rewarding to have one or more. There is a few things you need to ensure you do to have good results.
When installing a water hole you need to make sure it relates to something for the deer. It cant be installed in a random location and except deer to use it on a daily basis. It needs to be installed in a regular travel area from bedding to feeding so its “normal” for deer to use it and relate to it.
This bear just left a water hole I had installed a month earlier.
When thinking about installing a water hole make sure you follow these guidelines to ensure you have good success.
Install at least 100-150 gallon tank. Installing a tank this size will ensure it last a long time with out having to fill it constantly putting pressure in the area.
make it level with the ground so it can self fill when it rains. 100 gallon takes can be a pain to have to fill all the time.
This is the main reason I don’t like water holes. If you are in a area with bears they can overtake a water hole very quickly. When this happens no deer are going to use it and you just ruined your deer hunting spot.
Install it in a area that deer can relate to. say 50-100 yards off a destination food source from a bedding area. Install them around a food plot do you can get a better bow shot.
Deer get 60-70 percent of there water content from green plants. Your water holes will be used less in the spring and summer compared to the fall and winter.
Deer get most of there moisture content from green and growing plants. I would say 60-70 percent of there daily moisture requirements. Deer can go days and weeks without taking a drink of water. I had mentioned this in a video I did like 6 years ago and everyone said I was crazy. Now everyone is talking about how deer don’t need to drink water haha.
The point is when you have a lot of green food in the area your water holes are going to be less attractive. So in the spring and summer they will be utilized very little. In the fall when everything starts to turn yellow and go dormant your water holes will come to life. Especially during the rut when bucks are chasing they are exhaling a lot of moisture so there water requirements go up.