Different Examples of Habitat For Deer And Other Wildlife!

While looking at a recent property I was able to take some pictures of different examples of habitat on the same land owners property.

On a recent land consulting job the land went from one extreme to the next. There was no perfect habitat I could find. Which does not surprise me as finding great habitat on private land is hard to come by in most cases.

below is two examples of habitat that I typically see.

  1. while scouting we went to a area that had a slight incline with a creek that ran through. This was maybe about a 40 acre chunk that the land owner started see less and less deer in. As you can see in the image below you can clearly see 100-200 yards. Its to thin! The tree canopy is to thick not allowing any sunlight to hit the ground. It was all mature timber that needed to be thinned out. There was some small saplings growing up but that it it. No food at ground level and no cover meaning why would a deer be there?

You can see 100-200 yards straight through the woods. no food at ground level.. This can be corrected by taking out the mature timber and dropping some trees and also removing some as well. This will allow more sun to the forest floor and allowing some regeneration.

2. The next area on the property was the complete opposite. It was actually to thick. It was great for rabbits birds and such. But for deer it was simply to thick. It was a mix of briers, honey suckle, bushes, and some hardwood regeneration. When its to thick deer cant walk through it and have no reason to be there. They will simply walk the edges and feed on the outside which isn’t a bad thing but it needs to be opened up.

As you can see its super thick and some deer may go in there to bed and get food but in general its to thick for it to be excellent deer food. This can be corrected by taking out pockets with a bush hog and tractor or renting a skid steer with a mulcher attachment and taking out small sections within. This will allow deer to navigate through it. That was they have access to food and cover when needed.

Give the video below a watch and you will see more clear what I am talking about…