Antler Grow Field Spray - Take Wildlife To The Next Level
*I have been using antler grow for 5 years now and each year i get more and more excited about using it*
Lets talk about what antler grow actually is. Antler grow is a micro nutritional mineral concentrate spray that is sprayed on natural browse and food plots. You do not need a food plot to use antler grow. People forget that natural browse is the backbone to all deer herds. Without browse you have nothing. Food plots are a supplemental food source. Food plots are most time more attractive then browse because we put some TLC into them. We soil sample them, we lime them and we fertilize them which makes them more palatable. Deer seek out the most nutritional food source in the area. This food source varies throughout the year. There is actually over 700 different varieties of browse that deer eat including shrubs, bushes, briers, weeds, grasses, woody stems, golden rod, ragweed and honeysuckle are some examples.
Antler grow can be sprayed on anything that is green and growing. If plants can suck in moisture it can suck in the antler grow mineral. The cool thing is that antler grow has a sticker and surfactant added in on the building process. Why is this important? This is one of the main reasons it sets it apart from all others. When you spray anything green and growing the sticker sticks it to the plant so its rain fast on contact. It can rain 5 minutes later and still cant be washed off. The surfactant actually opens the pours of the plant so the plant can ingest it. So now you have mineral stuck to the outside and on in the inside of the plant. This ups the digestible proteins in the plants and triples the mineral content making a all around healthier plant. The sticker grows with the plant. So when the leaf expands the sticker stretches with it. Sun is the only thing that breaks down the sticker overtime. It will last about 2 months on and in the plant. After that the numbers in the plants start to drop off so then we spray again. The more you spray the higher the numbers build up in the plant. If the plant don’t need it it doesn’t use it. Its like a gas tank in your car. When it runs out you fill it back up. When your driving the car is slowly using the fuel. Plants are the same way.
Spraying winter wheat and oats with antler grow micro nutrition from a 25 gallon atv sprayer.
Remember natural browse is the backbone to all healthy deer herds. That’s why we focus on spraying all we can in the spring and summer. In the winter when all the leaves fall off the nutrients are locked into the woody stems when deer transition to woody browse. (this is the natural cycle of deer) We also spray food plots as well. We are adding the same minerals that is in the soil directly to the plants bypassing the soil. These same minerals are in the soil just at low numbers. When you feed the plants directly 100 percent is utilized.
When you do this you will start to see changes. The first thing you see in the deer is body weight increases. Ribs start to not show anymore and deer look healthier in general. Deer consume 4-6 pounds of green and growing plants a day. When folks say they supplemental feed deer with a bag of corn i smile. I don’t make fun of them because i used to do the same thinking i was doing something when in reality i wasn’t doing a dang thing except waste money.
Spraying a brassica food plot with antler grow micro nutritional mineral with a 4 gallon backpack sprayer.
Antler grow is PH balanced for any water. You can use creek water, tap water, collect rain water and use that. Anything will work. Its always 1 OZ of product per gallon of water. 1 gallon covers 5 acres. 25 gallons of mixed product per acre. Spray to the point of no run off. Its 100 percent a concentrate and will not clog sprayers. You can use a 1 gallon hand pump sprayer, 4 gallon pack pack sprayer to a 25 gallon atv sprayer. Whatever you have you can use it.
Start spraying in the spring when things start to green up. Spray about every 6-8 weeks. i personally spray every 4 weeks because i know the power of it. I would not spray more then that because in most cases more is not better. Its very powerful stuff.
Feel free to check it out here
I get no kick back if you buy it or not. I personally don’t care if you buy it. Im simply sharing my thoughts on it because i truly know what it can do. If you follow my youtube channel here
You will see the power that it can create and how it can benefit your land.
Keep in mind there is now silver bullet with anything. No matter what you do with wildlife management its what you do this year benefits next year. You can’t spray a 2 food circle 1 time and expect magic. Its continuous use overtime is what makes the big changes.
Check out this video here for more info
See you on the next one!!!