How To Improve Deer Hunting Land!
Its getting that time of year that us hunters start to think about wildlife habitat improvements. 2020 is coming to a end and I know I am super excited to start 2021 as we plan on making a lot of deer habitat improvements. Each year we learn something new and that is how we improve each and every year. We need to experience failure in order to get better with everything in life.
Most times when we start thinking about improving deer hunting land we think of planting a food plot. Food plots can be the best deer attractant if they are located in the correct spot as it relates to your land with bedding and other cover. A lot of hunters do not put any thought into food plots other then that they need one. When this happens we make poor decisions and we place a food plot anywhere that makes it easy on us to do. But the questions is do we really need one in that spot and how the heck am I going to hunt it?
As we come into 2021 lets give it a little more thought this year. Lets decide and plan it out with boots on the ground scouting. Lets pick a spot that makes sense. A area that we can hunt and get in and out of and not spook deer and other wildlife. Lets pick a spot that relates to bedding, cover and travel areas. Lets Think of food plot screening such as switch grass or incognito so we can cover up our access and section off food plots so deer feel safe. We can also use Screening to direct deer past your tree stand and the list goes on and on.
food plot in the woods that relates to bedding and evening food.
When we look at how to improve deer hunting land food plots are the top pick and for good reason. Food plots control movement. Just like woody browse, bushes, briers, clear cuts also direct movement and are attractions. when we pick a food plot spot make sure you have some sort of cover close by say 50-100 yards. create deer travel routes that direct deer into your food plots from bedding. We can hunt those movements say 100 -200 yards off the food plot in the morning and closer to the food in the evening. Consider that deer eat 4-5 times a day and consume 5-7 pounds of food per day which is a lot.
When we can control movement we can have better chances at tagging a deer. sometimes this movement is man made as we cut paths through thick areas or sometimes its already made for us such as natural pinches, funnels, benches. ridge tops, bowls etc.
3 steps in improving your land
Food plots done correctly with soil samples that relate to the lay of the land
Adding mock scrapes either in travel areas to and from bedding or around food sources to get a better shot.
creating man made travel routes from bedding to food sources or using the lay of the land to your advantage.
Food plot screening cover from domain outdoors LLC
See you on the next one!!!