Antler Grow Micro Nutrition

Micro nutrients are fairly new to the hunting community. Most micro nutrients are in a solid or granular. antler grow is actually a concentrated liquid that's sprayed on natural browse and food plots that the plants ingest lasting months on and in the plant. Wondering how that works? Antler grow already has a sticker and surfactant in it. The surfactant loosens the tissues of thr plant allowing the plant to absorb it. The sticker is there for what mineral didn't get absorbed will actually stick to the plants. 

Once the plant ingest the minerals it stays on and in the plant lasting months rain or shine. Antler grow only has to be sprayed about every 2 months. Mixing antler grow is always the same, with 1 OZ of product per gallon of water. It is PH balanced for any type of water. Antler grow increases the nutritional value of natural browse and food plots so not only are you benefiting the plant but you are helping all animals as we know deer are naturally browsing animals. 

legal in most all states with a AG license visit for more info.

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